Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beats me

Carol was a quaint young woman who did so love her tea. She sipped it in the morning, took a taste at noon, and had it with crackers by dark. She would drown herself in tea to stupor and rouse herself with a different blend. No one asked why Carol loved tea so, for she had no family or friends. Everyone she knew met with an unfortunate fate.

First was her father, who drowned in the moat. Next was her mother who fell asleep in a rocky boat. Then her childhood friend Brian was found face down in a puddle. Finally there was Susie, whom she met once on the bus, who was lost to her fishbowl without much fight or fuss.

One day Carol hopes to join them, but on the condition that it is tea. After all water is such a dreadful thing.

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