Monday, April 22, 2013


When you take a story or show and remake it, you are doing something that inherently violates people. You are taking their memories, attachments, and a part of their life and saying that it’s old and no longer belongs to them.

Normally these concerns are quelled when this new thing fills the place of the old and both have a place in the heart of a person. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more common to take that thing and say, ‘I can make more money by selling it to these people instead of you.’

Now their memories, attachments, and history are thrashed. The characters they once loved are someone else entirely wearing the simulacrum. The stories are twisted and changed away from the comfortable lines they once drew. The history that was fondly buried is now dug up and put on parade in its necrotic state.

You’re disrespecting them and violating them. If you are doing this out of love for the story and characters, then I wish you well. If you’re doing this for money, you are a bad person.

Teen Titans GO! I’m looking at you.

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