I run my finger along my screen, tracing out the happy memories. They were happy, weren't they? My gut finally unclenches. When did it wrench its way into that position? How many weeks has it been like that? Months? Years? Since I met you.
Maybe they were once butterflies. I think now they're just anxiety.
Washing them away helps. That's the problem. I'm happier for this. When you do something like this you're supposed to be grief stricken. This is horrible, sad, and all around unpleasant. Yet here I am.
I'm so happy.
So happy.
So happy.
So happy.
This isn't a lie for once. I frown from the truth.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
More Mabinogi Instruments
New instruments! Mabinogi will be getting a miniature grand piano, violin, and cello.
What? You're worried that they're going to be gatchapon only like the Electric Guitar? Stop worrying, they're not. You can get these instruments in-game. That means adorable tiny pianos for all.
So far the prices for Pianos are 5,000,000 ducats and Cellos are 100,000 ducats. This means that they are available through commerce and can be bought at the trade imp in any Uladh town."They have also added instrumental dyes to the Ducat Shops for 100k each."
Korean players will be getting these first and even having an event for them:
"[KR Event] On May 18th players loging in will receive a free Violin."
The update will come with new wigs, new pets, new items all around but come on, nothing is as exciting as getting one of those pianos.
Get ready for more musical mayhem in the game named after the bard's song. <3>3>
Source: MabiData
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Thought Process
The thought process:
Defense needs to scale well with Offense so that damage
remains consistent if Health remains consistent. In this way characters can
grow and specialize without terribly imbalancing things.
Older players cannot outgrow newer players by too large of a
margin. Growth needs to be slow. Square root function. Slows growth. sqrt
Too slow. Slow as molasses. Too many dead levels.
Multiply the base and run it through a square root function.
Faster, fewer dead levels, numbers stay reasonable as
players get stronger.
Switch the square root function to defense. Increase the multiplier.
Defense is slow but not too slow. sqrt(defense*4)
Offense is linear. Offense will always outpace defense. (offense)
Defense subtracts Offense before they are put into a
multiplier. [(offense) – sqrt(defense*4)] * (Multiplier)
Maybe division would work better? Linear Offense divided by
square root of defense.
Minimizes damage without negating it. Slow but not too slow.
Too slow?
Divide variable multiplier instead. Makes numbers look
bigger. Reduces outcome. [(offense/2) – sqrt(defense*4)] * (Multiplier/10)
Players feel strong, realize strength. Players see fast defense
growth that tapers off.
Even as monoliths they aren’t overpowering.
Everyone is happy.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Small World
I arrive at your doorstep
It has been a sixteen hour day
Finding my way here was worth it
When I see your smile, I know
A kiss and a moment later
Your eyes are fixated on something else
I wait for hours
No avail
My smolder turns to a flicker
You give me another peck goodnight
Blowing out whatever there was left
Tomorrow is supposed to be better
Nothing ever changes
You don’t understand when I say
There isn’t room for me in your world
Friday, May 10, 2013
Everything and Everyone is More Important Than Me
I find it hard to be happy when I’m with you
I must be blatant
To warrant your gaze
Why can’t you just look at me?
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Candy Box!
Lets talk about games: Candy Box!
This post is high in spoilers and spoilerific posts aren’t
for everyone. If you’re not cool with being spoiled then just know that it’s a
neat little idle-game that has lots of cool features and some neat ascii art.
Here is a link: http://candies.aniwey.net/
- Spoilers -
Candy Box is an amazing little game by Aniwey that is much
more than a simple idle game. As you progress into the game features become
unlocked and you are given the option to do much more than wait for candy to
accumulate. Initially you only start off earning 1 candy per second, with the
option to eat all of your candy or to throw it onto the ground 10 at a time.
Once you have accumulated 60 candy you unlock the ability to buy lollipops from
the new merchant and at 150 you can buy your first sword, which opens up the
‘Quest’ mini-game.
Questing and candy will continue to unlock options for you.
Once you have completed your first quest you’ll be given a nifty little key, a
map, and if you happened upon a chest, a pair of seven league boots. These
tools open up the lollipop farm, which allows you to grow lollipops for free,
open up the Swampy
Swamp which has a frog
with riddles for prizes, and lets you adventure more quickly, respectively.
The lollipop farm starts slow but grows rapidly. Starting at
1 lollipop a day, once you have planted enough lollipops you can earn as many
as 100 per second. It’s like compound interest and it happens before you know
it, so buy lollipops early on and build your farm up because you need millions
of lollipops to buy all of your upgrades.
As you continue to quest and unlock features you’ll open up
wishing wells, new merchants, and the forge
where you can turn your sword into
1 of 3 different special swords: Sword of Life, Sword of Fire, and Sword of
Summoning. The Sword of Life has life steal on hit, Sword of Fire has fire
damage on hit, and Sword of Summoning summons monsters every time you kill an
In short it’s less of an idle game and more of a game that
if you get stuck or have to go, rewards you for playing anyway. The art is
endearing ascii and quite clever at times. Puzzles can be somewhat frustrating
if you’re not sure what to think but there is lots of information available if
you get stuck.
Check the game out at: http://candies.aniwey.net/
Candy Box,
Idle Game,
Idle RPG,
Random Musings,
Video Games
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Flowers Parted The River
Flowers parted, in serpentine steps, the river
Walking away with begrudging strides the water awoke
Aching, moaning, and frustrated the mountains continued to doze despite this
Birds swam along like bullets imperceptible
Unhappy with the economy moles became men and picketed the
Even sand decided it was too ugly and turned jagged
Stagnant goliaths unfurrowed the soil and gorged on
metaphorical mass, es
Lethargy largely overwhelmed the stars and they quieted to
welcome the clouds
There was a quotidian chair,
I sat in it.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Perhaps ch3 Preview
I don't have enough time today to come up with something even passingly clever or creative. Please accept my apologies. Instead of a hasty scribble here is the first page of Perhaps chapter 3. I'm actually quite a few pages into it but it's less history than the first two chapters so it's coming out and subsequently taking a lot longer.
Communication was difficult even at the best of times. The
ragged man who had saved X was deluded and lost in his own world. The woman in
red armor and the person in blue armor hardly ever talked at all. This problem
was compounded by the fact that X couldn’t say a word. More than anything he
needed to know where they were going. Judging by the sun they were traveling to
the west deeper into the desert where no civilization was.
There were strange things in the desert that flickered
beyond the corner of your eye. Creatures that ebbed and snarled, grasping at
something that X could not see. Much of the time it looked as if they followed
the ragged man. Something about him drew these shadows and apparitions.
Initially it seemed as if X was the only one who noticed these visions until
the ragged man brushed one off as it tried to bite him. These were strange
people accustomed to strange things and X found himself curious beyond curious
about them.
To the three of them these creatures were likely common
sights, which meant something important but X wasn’t quite sure what yet. In
his current state he was as impotent as ever. Luckily the person clad in Blue
noticed his fidgeting and walk beside him for company. “Salutations jester, I
hope that you are not too warm?” X hadn’t noticed it before but he was
pleasantly refreshed even though they were in the desert. It wasn’t just that
he was used to poor conditions, it was that the person in blue was sucking the
heat away from them and their surroundings. An aura of chill was pervasive
around him. “You probably want to know where we are going and why. I am
Chevalier and we are traveling to the cursed desert city of Owens. Our new friend in the tattered wear
has unfinished business there and did not appreciate that we abducted him.”
Chevalier the blue explained.
The ragged boy did not seem like someone who had been
abducted. He held himself professionally if not a bit creepily, rather than in
a sulking or defeated manner. Before Chevalier could leave, X needed to know
one more thing. With a slow motion of his hands he pointed to the shadowy
creatures that he could barely see wisps of in the corner of his eyes. This was
a remarkable feat, in all honesty. Chevalier merely shrugged, “We are somewhere
close to somewhere else. They are harmless but the tattered one looks delicious
so they try to eat him anyway.” That was a horrifying thought and not what X
wanted to hear. At least they were harmless, that was good.
Before returning to the side of the woman in red, Chevalier
unraveled a smoked, salted fish. It was cooked perfectly with just a bit of
browning. Slowly and carefully Chevalier pinched it and broke it into small
pieces then threw the bone away. Keeping all of the meat on the cloth it was
being kept in, he placed it in X’s hands. There was a happy smile coming from
Chevalier though X could not see it, he knew it was there. Hidden behind the
cold, blue helmet of Chevalier was a very warm hearted person.
Gosh, it was really delicious. Oh you have no idea how X
savored it. Yes, he couldn’t actually taste the fish or the salt, but that was
really beside the point. It was tender and soft on his mouth and a rush of
memories hit him of what food really was like. Within every morsel was the
flavor of kindness. A good person can make a meal that much more scrumptious.
For the first time in a long time X was welcome in this world and though no one
could see it behind his mask, he was smiling too. As good as it was, X couldn’t
actually eat very much. Much like when he was a child, his stomach had shrunk
so much that anything more than a few morsels made him uncomfortably bloated.
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